
The film spans one day in the life of Anjelica Soto, aka “Rascal”, a 15-year-old Latino gang leader in Watts, as she struggles to survive. Surrounded by escalating violence and racial tensions, Rascal realizes her days in the gang are numbered. Encouraged by Mr. Shannon, her English teacher, to apply for a writing program in Iowa. Rascal hopes to use the material from her life to write her way out of Watts. The forces around Rascal thrust her into a deadly cycle of violence that seems almost impossible to escape. To leave, she will have to make the dangerous decision to renounce her loyalty to the gang.


Based on a true story, Down for Life depicts a single, fateful day in the life of a 15-year-old Latina gang leader, Rascal. Leaving the gang, she discovers, is more difficult than joining. Rascal’s story is further complicated by racial tensions between her Latina gang and a rival black girl gang. The film was shot on location in South-Central Los Angeles and stars local youths in the lead roles. The film presents a raw, authentic look at a young teenager’s life in the ghetto. It presents an unflinching view into a world most of us know little about.

The film was written and directed by Alan Jacobs and featured special appearances by Snoop Dogg and Danny Glover. It received critical acclaim and was screened as an official selection at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Chicano rap artist “Lil Rob” created the song Por Vida for the film. Alan Jacobs directed the music video for Por Vida, and the music video has now been viewed online more than one million times. The video even features some footage from the movie itself.

Watch "Down for Life" Trailer
Watch "Por Vida - Lil Rob" Music Video
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